Frequently Asked Questions

There has never been a serious life-threatening complication from liposuction done under local anesthetic. It has been performed millions of times all over the world. It has shown to be one of the safest cosmetic surgeries available. The patient satisfaction from Liposuction is enormous, allowing people to feel more comfortably in a wide variety of clothes and at more ease with their body.
It is no secret that the well-known “Beer belly " is not a good look. Diet and exercise go a long way to helping get rid of it, but liposuction can offer a more rapid and predictable result. Liposuction for men generally includes the "love handle" area, the abdomen and sometimes the chest. If diet and exercise have failed to give you the shape you need, then you should not only keep up the good work but consider liposuction.

Liposuction is not a good treatment of obesity. Liposuction is not effective, even as a last resort, for people who are unable to lose weight by dieting and exercise. Obese patients almost always regain the weight that is removed by liposuction unless there is a dramatic reduction in calorie intake (by dieting) or a significant increase in calorie expenditure (by exercising). Whenever large-volume liposuction has been used in an attempt to treat obesity by surgery, there has been a significant increase in the incidence of serious surgical complications. It is not safe to remove huge amounts of fat by liposuction. It is dangerous to remove more than 8 to 10 pounds of fat by liposuction in a single day. Thus, liposuction will not be of any significant benefit for an obese patient who believes that liposuction will aid in the effort to lose weight.

On the other hand, an overweight person whose weight has been stable for many years and has certain problem-areas of fat may be a good candidate for liposuction. Liposuction in an obese patient is reasonable when the goal is to improve a troublesome body contour area. It is not reasonable to use liposuction as a surgical technique for weight loss.

However if patient desire improvement in contour say reduction in girth of belly, Liposuction can  certainly do that & one can achieve girth reduction up to 4 to 5 inches.

After liposuction the body's new shape is more or less permanent. If a patient does gain a moderate amount of weight after liposuction, then the figure will simply be a larger version of the new body shape. Fat cells that are removed by liposuction do not grow back. As long as the patient does not gain excessive amounts of weight, the new, more pleasing silhouette is permanent. Of course after liposuction the clock keeps ticking, and advancing age will produce the usual changes in the shape of the body associated with the aging process. If a person gains weight after liposuction, she/he will not accumulate as much fat in the treated areas as would have happened if liposuction had not been done.

If a patient does not gain weight after liposuction, then fat does not accumulate in other areas of the body. However, if a patient gains a significant amount of weight, say more than 10 pounds (5 kg), after liposuction, then the fat must go somewhere. In fact, the fat accumulates in every area of the body in proportion to the amount of fat cells in each area. Areas where fat cells have been removed by liposuction will accumulate relatively little fat, while areas not treated by liposuction will collect relatively more fat. For example, if a woman gains weight after liposuction of her hips, outer thighs, and abdomen, then most of the fat will be deposited elsewhere such as the woman's breasts, face, back and legs.

Patients should not expect to lose a dramatic amount of weight with liposuction. However, because fat is removed from cosmetically important areas, liposuction should produce significant improvements in aesthetic appearance. Although liposuction should not be regarded as a method for weight loss, in appropriate patients it can produce significant cosmetic improvements.

Fat usually does not come back in treated areas provided the patient does not gain a significant amount of weight after the surgery.

If a woman has liposuction and subsequently becomes pregnant, gains weight, gives birth and finally loses the excess weight of pregnancy, then her original liposuction improvements will return, just as if she had never been pregnant.

The maximum amount of fat that can be removed safely is probably about 5 to 8 percent of your body weight in one sitting. The greater the volume of fat removed on a single day the greater the risk of serious complications. If a patient requires more than 5 to 8 percent of fat removal, it is safe to divide the liposuction into separate surgical procedures each separated by 3 to 4 weeks.

For the first few weeks after surgery there is postoperative swelling. This swelling usually resolves within 8 to 12 weeks when final shape will be evident provided one follows postoperative use of pressure garment judiciously.

Liposuction of the abdomen removes most of the fat found under the skin and above the abdominal muscles. When patients have good abdominal muscle tone, liposuction can provide a dramatic improvement, with a natural appearance of the abdomen, and with minimal scarring. In the vast majority of liposuction patients, the natural elasticity of abdominal skin contracts smoothly, and there is no need to surgically remove skin. Tummy tuck usually involves liposuction to remove fat plus the surgical removal of a large section of skin from the lower abdomen, together with a surgical relocation of the belly button. A tummy tuck can result in an unsightly scar that extends across the entire lower abdomen, just above the pubic area in addition to an unnatural appearance of the belly button. The recovery after liposuction is much safer, quicker and easier than the recovery after a tummy tuck.

The only patients for whom a tummy tuck is superior to abdominal liposuction are the relatively few women having extreme degrees of lower abdominal skin laxity, unusually extensive stretch marks, or severely stretched abdominal muscles (as a result of pregnancy). Tummy tuck surgically removes skin with severe stretch-marks (striae-distensae). Liposuction does not remove stretch marks. A tummy tuck can produce a flatter abdominal wall by tightening the abdominal muscles. Liposuction is appropriate for patients who have abdominal muscles that have not be excessively stretched out of shape by pregnancy. A tummy tuck can remove excessive amounts of loose abdominal skin. However, loose abdominal skin does not mean that a tummy tuck is necessary. After liposuction, abdominal skin often contracts to a surprising degree so that an excision is not necessary.

Breast augmentation is a form of cosmetic surgery for women who wish to increase the size of their breasts. In many cases the woman wishing to undergo a breast augmentation procedure feels her current breast size is too small or disproportionate to her particular body size. Breast augmentation is considered an aesthetic surgical procedure that most often occurs with women who have not been satisfied with her final breast development size reached after puberty, and in some cases women's breasts have developed unevenly and she would like to achieve proper symmetry. Women who have lost a significant amount of weight or have had pregnancies may find their breast size has shrunken and they wish to restore their breast size through breast augmentation. In some circumstances the plastic surgeon will suggest a breast augmentation accompanied by a breast lift for women's breasts that have become saggy.

Many studies have shown that women who get implants are not at an increased risk for getting breast cancer

Women with sagging breasts, which is called "ptosis", can also receive breast implants. Depending on how much the breast sags, an additional surgery may also be necessary. For breasts with nipples that droop below the lower crease of the breast, a breast lift surgery, or mastoplexy, is often required as well. This surgery will also add scars around the nipple unlike most breast augmentation surgeries. Without this additional surgery to remove excess skin, placement of the implant can cause the breast to have a "double bubble" or "snoopy breast" look. Commonly, women with sagging breasts often have the implants placed under the breast tissue, or "subglandular" to avoid these problems.

The exact length of time that a breast implant lasts is unknown. It is very rare that an implant will fail (rupture) within a year. The estimated time they will last probably ranges from ten to twenty years.

Most patients return to work 3-4 days after surgery. Patients are able to drive a car 4 days after surgery. The most important thing to avoid for several weeks after surgery is any stress to the pectoral muscles, so patients may not lift more than 5kg. for four weeks after surgery. Activities that stress the pectoral muscles, especially tennis, weight-lifting and carrying children must be avoided for at least four weeks.

You should be able to breastfeed safely after having breast augmentation surgery.

Rhinoplasty is cosmetic surgery of the nose. It is also known as nasal refinement and the layman's term "nose job". With rhinoplasty, 'defects' from either birth or trauma can be corrected by infracturing or "breaking" the bones of the nose and re-setting them in the desired shape, often narrow and straight.

A "hump" may be removed to give a more pleasing, symmetrical look. The cartilages of the nose can be molded and trimmed to create a more compact or pleasing shape. Rhinoplasty can soften an otherwise beautiful face by refining one's features.

Extensive nasal surgery is generally avoided in children. There are major growth centers in the nose that affect the growth of the face. In cases of severe disfigurement due to accidents, surgery is performed in an attempt to restore the alignment of those centers. For lesser deformities surgery is deferred until after the child stops growing. Rhinoplasties performed on teenagers and young adults, it seems, are often beneficial to the social development and self confidence of the individual. The aging process is reflected in many ways in the nose and its correction can add youthfulness and freshness to the appearance.

First, your doctor will discuss your goals with you and he will explain what can be achieved realistically. A good doctor will not just slim your nose or shorten it, rather he will take into account what your facial features and bone structure would benefit from. Be it a slimmer more defined or perhaps more "turned up". Perhaps it is only a "hump" that is desired to be removed, making it unnecessary to even have a Full Rhinoplasty. There is no "one size fits all" when it comes to this procedure. It is all individual. Just like you!

Usually, Light Sleep Anesthesia is utilized. A Rhinoplasty can also be performed under General Anesthesia. The patient usually arrives early and medications are administered and supplemented with intravenous medication. After you are "asleep" and your vital signs are determined as safe and stable, local anesthesia is then applied to the nose. Surgery generally lasts about one and a half hours. The patient experiences no pain during the surgery.

A splint or cast is applied when required and will be worn for approximately 7 days. Many patients remember very little about the surgery. After the procedure is completed, the patient then recovers in a relaxed environment and monitored for a couple of hours before being driven home by a companion. You absolutely can not drive yourself home after a ANY procedure.

After your surgery your surgeon will have placed a pressure dressing over your eyes and a gauze pad underneath your nose to catch blood and mucous. You will remove the pressure dressing after a few hours or as specified by your surgeon. You may become sick from ingested blood during the procedure and vomit, expelling a black mixture of stomach acid and blood. This will pass as soon as the blood is expelled. It really isn't that much so you shouldn't be sick for long unless you were under general anesthesia - you may become sick from this alone. Your doctor can give you special medications to remedy or prevent this. If you continue to vomit and/or run a high fever, contact your doctor immediately.

You nose will be sensitive for approximately a month and a half although patients report no serious pain or discomfort. However, patients do report the discomfort of breathing with the packing and cast on the nose. Some patients feel claustrophobic feeling as if they cannot breathe. This feeling widely resembles a head cold or sinus infection. Only when the cast is removed do you feel slight discomfort, unless you bump it accidentally.

The cast is removed approximately 7 days post-operatively. You may feel a slight stiffness in the upper lift as the swelling "moves downward". This will subside in a matter of hours. you must be very careful not to bump it as it is vulnerable to breakage. It isn't a bone china figurine but it isn't as strong as your nose was before the rhinoplasty either. Don't worry, the bones will completely mend within 2 months.

If you had a rhinoplasty where the nostrils were narrowed (in the case of flared nostrils) your sutures will get absorbed.

The nose will be very sensitive for approximately a month and a half. The patient will start to see a difference immediately but it will still be swollen. The swelling starts to generally disappear about a week after the cast is removed. Approximately 80% of the swelling and 100% of the discoloration are usually gone by 2 weeks after surgery. 90% of the swelling is gone by two months after surgery and the rest slowly disappears over the next year. Although the nose is still swollen after the first month, most people would not recognize this fact. The patient will not notice this swelling. Instead the patient will notice that the nose becomes more refined with better definition over the first year. The inside of the nose may be swollen for approximately three weeks after the surgery. Nasal breathing may be difficult during this time. If surgery is performed to straighten the nasal septum, an improvement in breathing will be appreciated at about 3 weeks.

It is possible to develop tiny red marks and "spots", this can be the result of blood vessels that may have burst under the skin's surface during the surgery. Although this is extremely infrequent it can happen and the "spots" may not ever go away. Scarring is minimal if the incisions are made inside of the nose, however when an "open" technique is used, or if narrowing of the nostrils is desired the scars made on the outside of the nose may be visible for am undetermined amount of time (usually until maturation). Even when a highly skilled surgeon performs your surgery, sometimes your body may not heal "correctly" or have adverse reactions causing undesired results. If so it is quite possible that additional surgeries may be needed. Some patients will lose their sense of smell, temporarily. Your nose may be slightly swollen and for over a year. Scar tissue may heal in a way that may cause a "whistling" sound to be heard when you breathe in and out.

This surgery has the highest rate of revisions. It seems that some people, especially mature people, may not readily accept the "new" look. Being accustomed to their "old" nose, they just can't seem to comfortably make the transition. Although there are a few rhinoplasties that just don't heal correctly, due to something as serious as human error (the surgeon's) or as simple as not having your head elevated enough or sleeping on one side a lot without a proper cast. The nose can "pull" to one side if the cast does not support it properly in the first week. Or quite simply, your body may just heal that way.

There are many ways to fix a septum. Generally cautery is used only on the turbinates or the initial incision on the columella in open techniques. The septum is like a wall frame in a house. The skin (mucosa) over it is like wall paper, and the cartilage on the inside is like drywall. You place an incision in the front part of the nose where it is hidden and raise the wallpaper off the wall. Then you can perform the necessary correction to the "drywall" (cartilage) and when you put the "wall paper" (mucosa/skin) back it looks like nothing was done.

Usually packing will be required however, some patients are eligible for tubes or straws placed in the center of the packing on each side so that direct airflow through the nose is possible. Most patients find this a psychological discomfort rather than a physical.

Usually rhinoplasty is performed at the earliest, 13 or 14 years of age in girls and 15 to 16 years of age in boys. Reason being, and it is a known fact, girls physically mature faster than boys and the collective goal is to perform surgery when at least 90% of the growth is complete. There are major growth centers in the nose that affect the growth of the face.

In cases of severe disfigurement due to accidents, surgery is performed in an attempt to restore the alignment of those centers. For lesser deformities surgery is deferred until after the teen stops growing. Rhinoplasties performed on teenagers and young adults, it seems, are often beneficial to the social development and self confidence of the individual.

In other words, this depends upon the stage of growth in the face as well as the gender of the patient. A qualified surgeon can better help you upon personal examination.

Usually, there is no visible scarring unless it is an "open rhinoplasty". Some surgeons perform all of their rhinoplasties, "open" -- some, all closed. It solely depends upon the surgeon. You will find that most surgeons tend to disagree when it comes to technique. They either prefer open or they prefer closed, OR if they are highly skilled, know that it is case-dependent and different patients have different needs. If it is an open rhinoplasty the scar would be on the columella (the skin that separates the nostrils) sometimes resembling a straight line or a flattened "z".

You can expect swelling, especially in the tip if you are having tip "work" performed. The swelling usually begins to subside within the first month but the end result may not be seen until at least 9 months [post-operatively. Although this time period tends to lean towards a year and over.

Many patients complain of "runny noses" after rhinoplasty/septoplasty surgery. Some over 2 years. Most of the excess mucous production ceases at 9 months but can continue well after that. For now I can only advise to carry more Kleenex around as it may persist for several more months.

A Injections of steriods can help break up excess tissue. It is a common remedy to inject steroids such as these and also is used primarily to reduce swelling and inflamed tissue. Although care must be taken regarding excess use of these injections as it can break down the tissue too much.

This is very common. A weak chin can and does make even an "ideal" sized nose look larger than it actually is. The chin augmentation is a relatively minor procedure when implants are used although it entails some risks all on its own. Such as lower lip numbness which can be remedied (usually) by removing the implant and trimming the implant so that it is not pressing up against the nerve as much.

Most patients report a little tenderness when the cast is removed but if your surgeon uses a cotton swab saturated with alcohol to help remove the adhesive from the tape and glue you should be okay. Although it really shouldn't cause you great discomfort.

The sutures that may be removed may hurt when someone else removes it due to them not actually being able to tell when they are hurting you. They also may snip your flesh slightly when the scissors are used to cut the actual suture. This isn't as rare as it as it should be and solely depends upon the surgeon's meticulous nature.

For many patients with thick skin, the skin is thinned out in the surgery as the tip is worked on. This really adds a lot to help with definition. Excess skin length just shrinks away as the swelling decreases. Also, many patients with thick skin actually do better with rhinoplasties because the flaps that are elevated are so firm that you can do a lot more with the cartilages and it is better hidden. Very thin skin, shows every little imperfection.

Going on several consults and getting a second, third and even more opinions is a good idea in any case. "Shopping" for surgeons is a serious matter and you should be as comfortable as you can be with a surgeon, his skill, and his bedside manner.

Yes. Doctor can show you photographs of patient who had similar problem like yours.

A nasal columella is the external, and sometimes partial internal, fleshy section of the nose which separates the nostrils. When it is referred to being a "hanging columella" this section is often prominent or hangs down.

This isn't as uncommon as you may think. There are usually two types that promote a response in those who are sensitive to these sutures. These two are usually Absorbable Poly (glycolide/L-lactide) Surgical Suture material and Absorbable Gut Suture material.

If you experience redness and itchiness and sometimes pus formation - you very well may be allergic to the dissolvable type sutures. Sometimes the symptoms may not show up until about 3-4 weeks after surgery, if this happens, antibiotics can be given but it usually reoccurs. The best thing to do in some cases is to remove any of the left over material and replace it with nylon sutures. These sutures are usually removed in 10 days. Another option can be tissue glue although this isn't very mainstream for rhinoplasty.

Also be advised that when the skin gets red and itchy around a suture, be it absorbable or non-dissolving - usually it is time for them to be removed. Your body knows and will tell you when your healing. Besides healing skin always turns itchy. Know the difference between typical irritation and an allergic reaction.

Usually by the 6th month the breathing is most definitely restored. In fact, most patients notice improved breathing within a month to two months of surgery if they had difficulty breathing beforehand. I would suggest that you have a follow up with your surgeon and ask his advice or determine if the lack of airway is indeed from a deviated septum, redundant mucosa or enlarged or redundant turbinates. I do not know from your question if this is a constant occurrence or if this is at certain times of the day, while the body is horizontal or after exercise. These factors can also hinder breathing due to engorged tissue due to increased blood flow.

Yes. Provided you don’t have diabetes, blood pressure ,etc .you should be medically fit.

Implants are synthetic materials usually derived from silicon polymers.e.g.prolen mesh,porex, etc. There is always remote possibility of infection, displacement Or extrusion of implant.

You may have heard that the process is very painful. But with the proper technique in the application of anesthesia, it does not have to be a painful process at all. It all depends on how the surgeon applies the anesthesia, and our office uses the least painful process available for the comfort of our patients. For a hair transplantation process, every surgeon uses either a nerve blocking process or a local anesthesia (general anesthesia is never used in this case). Any pain at all during our procedure would be during the initial needle injection. Our clinic uses several techniques to reduce even this small pain. The anesthetic is warmed to reduce reaction time, the skin is pre-numbed before each localized shot and the finest gauge needle (30 gauge) is used to minimize this pain. Initially, the patient is given a sedative through an IV medication. This sedative puts the patient into a relaxed, "twilight zone" state to minimize any pain there might be from the subsequent injections. The tumescent technique is used for prolonging the anesthesia time. Most patients have informed me that the process was less painful than a routine trip to the dentist. In addition, the day after the hair transplant process, 50% of our patients do not require any pain relievers at all, and the other 50% will take Voveran for only a few days until the discomfort is gone.

Usually it takes three to four months for the hair to grow out, and after that it will grow about half and inch per month which is the same rate as the donor hair. Initial hair quality is usually very thin, softer in texture like baby hair and then it becomes coarser over time. Sometimes the initial hair is curlier, then straightens in about one year.

The transplanted hair is the hair from the back of the head, so even though it is transplanted, it will still have the same life span. Normally a hair follicle sheds every three to six years and then grows back from the same root. Thus, the transplanted hair continues the same life cycle.

Hair roots are very tough and can tolerate surgery or any irritation to the scalp. We know this because we can see how difficult it is for people to remove unwanted hair. A hair can be plucked out hundreds of times and just keeps growing back. The actual physical trauma of cutting the scalp, when inserting the donor grafts, can cut the shafts and/or damage some hair follicles. But more significant is the interruption to the pre-existing hair's blood supply which is enough to cause the shedding of this pre-existing hair. It is temporary as most lost hair will grow back after a few months.

Hair loss can result from heredity, stress, fungal or bacterial infection, affected liver or thyroid, crash dieting, dandruff, iron, calcium and vitamin deficiencies, systemic disease or side effect of prolonged medicines. These causes can be investigated and treated with suitable medicines. Hair loss that does not respond to treatment and has progressed beyond grade three requires replacement with new growing hair, which is done by hair transplant.

Hair weaving is tying a wig on the head with silk thread knots. Hair bonding is holding the wig with clips and hair fusion is sticking a light weight nylon wig with a double sided sticking tape. These are all temporary methods. Prolonged use causes bad hygiene, pull out of the anchoring hair and excoriation of skin. These methods are not done by doctors.

Hair transplant is a one day procedure which gives permanent replacement of lost hair with new hair roots that grow. These can be cut, shampooed and treated like your own hair. Repeated visits to the clinic are not required.

Baldness is a progressive disorder. Hair on the front and top of the head is lost because it is hormone dependent. Hair on the sides and lower back does not have hormone receptors. This hair is retained till the age of 60 – 70yrs. Plastic surgeons transfer the persons own hair roots from the long lasting area to the bald area. Latest Follicular micro grafting ( FUT ), FOX technique and Body Hair Transplant

Use of punches and single hair grafts are now outdated. Hair grows in natural units of 1,2 or 3 hairs. These natural units are maintained in the latest follicular micrografting technique. This gives a robust, hair growth. If these units are separated and implanted as single hair they give poor growth. Follicular unit grafts avoid, clumpy appearance of punches and the thin look of single hair.

Follicular micro grafts can be used in – between thinning hair in men and women for adding density. Our team covers most areas in single sitting. 1000 – 2000 grafts can be done at one time, going to a maximum of 3000.

Special interdigitated placing is used to make lesser number of grafts look fuller.

The area from where the grafts are taken is closed so that no bald patch is seen.

The micro grafts are paced in the bald area with injection needle pricks to make sure there is minimal scarring. The grafts start growing with the next hair cycle at 3 – 4 months and keep on growing thereafter.

The surgery is done under local anesthesia. It takes 6 – 8 hours. Patient is discharged on the same evening and advised rest for 3 – 6 days. Follow up for suture removal is required at 12 – days. Suture-less FOX technique and transplant of body hair is available for suitable patients.

Correction of old pluggy looking grafts or low straight line hair flaps can be done by recycling the punches and redraping the flaps.

Restoration of eyebrows, eyelashes, burn areas, scars, beard, moustache, cleft lip Hanson’s patients, pseudopelade, and Folliculitis Decalvans is best done with follicular micro grafting.

Within days, you may see a marked improvement in the moderate to severe frown lines between your brows. Lines continue to improve for up to a month, and results can last for up to 6-8 months. In clinical trials, nearly 90% of men and women rated the improvement in their appearance as moderate to better 1 month after treatment. Results may vary.

Results from treatment with BOTOX can last for up to 4 months. If you discontinue treatment, the frown lines between your brows gradually will look like they did before treatment.

The treatment lasts 20 minutes and includes a session of hydrafacial with chemical peel and facemask. It offers instant results with no downtime or irritation.

Hydration has been shown to strengthen the foundation of healthy skin and also to prevent age related changes.

Hydrafacial is suitable for men and women of all ages and all skin types. However, your surgeon might choose a specific serum or peel depending on any skin sensitivity or condition you might have.

The skin will appear polished and refined with restored volume and plumpness after even one treatment. We don’t believe in quick fixes and for long lasting results multiple sittings will be required as per your treating surgeon’s advice. Usually it is advisable to undergo one session every 2 weeks for 2 months followed by a monthly sitting for 4 months.

Yes, this is a non-vacuum treatment which can be safely done with simple acne. However, consult with our surgeons prior to booking an appointment if you have active or cystic acne.

Usually for pigmentation treatment we advise weekly sittings and once a month for long term maintenance therapy.

No, in fact we advise performing the treatment a day before or on the same day as an event to ensure you have that glow which will be sure to invite compliments!

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5 Shree Dhanalaxmi Society,
Off Senapati Bapat Road,
Near Symbiosis College,
Shivajinagar, Pune 411016.

Revive Laser Centre, Pune